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Fixed: Google Drive Not Downloading All Files – Try Top 7 Fixes

Published By Chirag Arora
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On June 20th, 2024
Reading Time 7 Minutes Reading

The errors of Google Drive not downloading all files or file from Google Drive not downloading certainly carry inconveniences and bad consequences. For uploading or saving files from cloud storage, Google Drive is one of the great choices for users across the world. Sometimes these temporary glitches affect all the services of Drive, preventing users from accessing their data.

Reading this article helps users to find the best tips and tricks to fix this nuisance easily. Additionally, we will curate the list of possible reasons behind getting these bugs on different devices or operation systems. So, let’s dive into the quick troubleshooting guide to easily download files, photos, and videos from Google Drive.

Why is Google Drive Not Downloading All Files? Common Reasons

There are various reasons behind Google Drive can’t download file. In the following section, we will provide the possible causes for this error. Undoubtedly, the impact of this issue includes delays in accessing the cloud storage and difficulty in sharing files or folders. Here are the potential reasons leading to this persistent problem:-

  • Cause 1: Issue with Web Browser
    The incompatibility factor of web browsers triggers the issue of Google Drive unable to download. Browsers store cache files or cookies that might be corrupted due to various factors, causing errors when downloading files from Drive.
  • Cause 2: Weak Network Connection
    Working on a bad bandwidth connection causes disruption when downloading data. Hence, it is yet another factor behind the issue of Google Drive not downloading all files. Ensure good network connectivity to avoid these errors.
  • Cause 3: Google Drive Sync Error
    If Google Drive for desktop app is not updated on your operation systems including Mac & Windows causes issues with Drive. These bugs commonly happen due to syncing errors and disable users from fetching or downloading files at once.
  • Cause 4: Google Drive Download Quota Exceeded
    Unknowingly Drive users exceeded the download quota which certainly creates hindrance in saving or uploading the files. Additionally, if you exceed the limit, you’ll receive the error 403 and 429 for multiple download requests.
  • Cause 5: Failed to Download Large Files
    Often users experience difficulty when downloading large files. It mainly includes high-quality videos, photos, and documents, causing syncing errors. Hence, users will be warned that Google Drive can’t download file or folders.

Overall, these are the most prominent reasons behind facing the inconvenience of downloading data from a Drive account. Now, let’s walk through the different troubleshooting methods to fix this error quickly.

7 Easy Ways to Resolve Google Drive Unable to Download Error

Wondering how to fix Google Drive not downloading all files? Here are the simple methods to fix sync bugs or glitches. Implementing the below effective solution may help users restore the seamless functioning of the Drive app on any device or operation system including Mac & Windows. So, let’s put together the 7 ways to fix failed to download files from the Drive application:-

  1. Disable the Faulty Connection
  2. Clear All Browser Cache
  3. Use Different Browser
  4. Reinstall Google Drive for Desktop
  5. Re-login to Your Google Account
  6. Disable Popup Blockers & Ad-Blockers
  7. Free Up Device Storage

All the above methods are simple whether facing the issue of Google Drive not downloading large files or Drive not downloading videos. So, let’s dive into learning these approaches one after another.

Method 1: Disable the Faulty Connection

Often slow or weak connection causes disturbance to users raising the issue of Google Drive can’t download file. Therefore, ensuring working with a good internet connection, one of the effective and quick ways to fix the Drive syncing error. Additionally, this basic troubleshooting tip is simple and easy to perform when facing any glitches.

Method 2: Clear All Browser Cache

The corrupted cache files or cookies simultaneously slow down the performance of the web browser and carry other compatibility issues. In this case, users experience the error of Google Drive not downloading all files. To retrieve the working of your Google Drive, clearing the stored cached or cookies is the best way to resolve these errors.

Deleting unwanted cache files may certainly speed up the performance of your browser. Also, helps to fix browser bugs manually. So, try this method once when facing issues with the Drive application.

Method 3: Use Different Browser

If frequently addressing the problem of Google Drive unable to download when opening it on Chrome or Safari. Use different web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Opera Browser, Firefox, etc. Switching from one browser to another offers several benefits to users. For both Mac & Windows users, it is one of the best go-to ways to access the data of Google Drive storage.

Additionally, android or iPhone users can use this method to fix browser bugs. Hence, these free and secure troubleshooting tips can resolve the issues in minutes.

Method 4: Reinstall Google Drive for Desktop

Whether it is Google Drive not working on Mac or Google Drive can’t download file, reinstalling the Drive app helps in many ways. It enables users to minimize the temporary glitches and reboot the working platform. Therefore, first delete the app form your operating systems and then, reinstall it. Here are quick steps to download the Drive App on Mac & Windows OS:-

  1. Go to Google Help page to Install Drive for Desktop.
  2. Choose the download link for Windows or Mac.
  3. At last, read and follow the on-screen tips and run the app on your desktop.

Method 5: Re-login to Your Google Account

Re-logging to a Google Account is another effective troubleshooting way. It helps to resolve the issue of being unable to download files from Google Drive Android, iPhone, or other operating systems. In this case, users just need to logout and then login to their account with the same email address.

Once the successful login is completed, users can easily access or download the necessary data from the Drive app.

Method 6: Disable Popup Blockers & Ad-Blockers

The designed popup blockers or Ad-blockers cause interference and lead to Google Drive not downloading all files. Therefore, it suggested that the users disable these problematic extensions as they disrupt the services of Google. Additionally, users can temporarily disable these programs to streamline the working performance of the Drive app on any device.

Method 7: Free Up Device Storage

After using the above tips, if still encountering failures in downloading files, videos, and photos from Google Drive. Then, check for the storage of your device including MacBook, Windows, iPhone, or other Android devices. Insufficient storage offers difficulties and inaccessibility errors.
Ensuring the free space helps users to seamlessly access or download data from Drive locally on their device.

FAQs on Google Drive Can’t Download File

Q. Why is Google Drive not downloading all my files on Mac?

Here are the possible reasons behind not downloading files from the Drive App:-

  1. Weak Internet Connection
  2. Mac Storage is Full
  3. Google Drive Server Outage
  4. Large Files Causes Error to Download
  5. Google Drive Exceeded Download Limit

Q. How do I fix Google Drive unable to download?

Read the top 5 easy troubleshooting tips to fix Google Drive not downloading all files:-

  1. Check for Seamless Connection
  2. Try Working on Different Web Browser
  3. Delete All Cache & Cookies
  4. Disable Ad Blocker
  5. Re-Login to Google Account

Q. Can the Google Drive App restrict downloads?

Yes, Google Workspace sets the download file size limit. Once exceeding the number of downloads, users may experience inconveniences or errors.

The Bottom Line

Google Drive is considered a popular and highly demanded-app when it comes to uploading, sharing, and downloading cloud data. Unfortunately, the issue of Google Drive not downloading all files offers temporary disruption to uses. Using the above troubleshooting guide may help users fix those errors and download large files, videos, and photos locally on any device. Additionally, users can switch to other cloud storage apps if still facing issues with Google Drive.

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